Clinical Data at CHOP

Clinical data at CHOP can consist of many types of data:

  • Data recorded in EPIC (encounters, orders, medication, vital signs and any flowsheet measurements, problem list, diagnoses, lab data, radiology reports, procedures, patients’ questionnaires…)
  • Imaging stored in CHOP’s imaging system (PACS)
  • Bedside monitor data
  • Data from other systems (like PICU systems)
  • Legacy data that predates EPIC (e.g. surgery prior to 2013)

It’s also stored a number of places, including

  • Chronicles, the database that gives rise to live EPIC (this would not be used in research, but might be used in clinical decision support)
  • Clarity, the EPIC data reporting database (updated nightly)
  • The CDW, CHOP’s Clinical Data Warehouse (updated nightly)
  • Qlikview apps (data that has been gathered and groomed ahead of time from one or more of the previous)

Researchers can access data through DBHi’s Clinical Reporting Unit (CRU) and eventually through Arcus, which intends to make clinical data reporting simpler and quicker. This includes counts for grant preparation or preparatory to research, patients list for study recruitment, complete study datasets. Quality Improvement projects generally fall outside the scope of Arcus.

Requesting clinical data can be done through the Data and Analytics Request Portal: